On Monday Nov 5 there was a piece of news on Daily Star that "30 US senators wrote to President Bush warning he had no authority to launch military action against Iran and expressing concern about the administration (provocative).The senators 29 democrat and 1 independent urged the resolution of dispute with Iran through diplomacy and it was signed by senators including presidential candidate Hilary Clinton."
After last week's debate in which she asked for introducing Iran as a terrorist country, it's another step in her propaganda for the election. She follows the party demands. After the failure of Iraqi war it's natural to criticize Bush war policy this way, not to mention that war is against the interests of America. People are tired of war and anyone who is against it surely has better opportunities to offer new solutions. For decades democrats were against the war and they look for better economic situations, people don't want war and America is suffering from heavy budget deficit democrats are the ones who claim for betters, it's time to put this warrior (Bush) away, many believe so.